They say a friend in need is a friend indeed. But I say that a friend who bleeds is a friend indeed. For greater love and friendship cannot be attained than when one lays down his/her life for a friend. ~ Jam Lens Cute friend quotes He said, as long as you do not screw up I will remain your good friend. She said, as long as you don't screw up and even when you do I will remain your faithful friend. ~ Tim Moral Cute riendship quotes Friendship is close to love. We find goodness and love together when we find a friend who is loyal and faithful. ~ Faith Grins I like the way you joke and make fun of everyone else. I like the way you cheer me up on days when I am bored or sad. Your friendship is worth millions to me. ~ Joan Bolton My friendship with you is like a gushing water fall. It could stop in the hot summers or flow and overflow in the rains but it still is a sight to see and quenches thirst when we are weary. ~ Shawn Kellie A cute friendship is not all about the hard times and ...