Sending Birthday SMS / Text Messages to friends and family on their birthday is a nice way to make their day. Here are great collections of Happy Birthday SMS, Happy Birthday Text Messages, Happy Birthday Greetings for Husband, Birthday Greetings for Wife, Happy Birthday Greetings for A Son, Birthday Messages for A Daughter, Birthday Greetings for Wife, Romantic Birthday SMS, Funny Birthday SMS and others. Any of these messages can be sent to friends and dear ones on their birthday.
Your love and care, has built my world. Without you, I am not me. May you get all you want, and even more. Happy Birthday to my love. Enjoy your day

You are my dream in my sleep. You are my vision in my eye. You are my smile on my lips. You are beat of my heart. You are Angel in my prayer. You are light of my life. Happy Birthday Dear.

U R special, U R a sister who fights wid me, plays wid me, suggest me & shouts at me. But U r so softhearted & I love U my dear sister. Happy Birthday 2 U!

LIKE A FRESH DEWDROPS of a new day… may GOD’S loving u hands be upon u today to freshen ur soul & body! HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Wishing u a day soft as silk…..
white as milk…..
Sweet as honey & full of money.
may all Ur dreams come true….

Friendship is about. bringing out the positive when everything seems negative...being accepted for who you are...being able to pick up right where you left off...sharing, talking, and laughing...Friendship is about us, and for that I'm grateful. And I hope you have the best birthday ever, friend!

Happy birthday to you,
Even though i wish it earlier i dun cared.
Dun forget about our friendship, that we’ve shared.
On D pages of roses,
with D ink of moon light ,
only 2 words has written 4 u,
'Very Happy Birthday 2 U'

Today is a day of celebration. Why? Because, years ago on the same day, GOD sent me my flesh and bone conscience. Wishing my friendly inner voice a very happy birthday.

Peace - 4 ur soul
Joy - 4 ur spirit
Love - 4 ur heart
May these all be ur gifts
Many-2 happy returns of D Day

I know it’s your birthday today.. I am sure u will give me treat in a big hotel.. so I shall talk to you in person there, because I don’t know to express my feelings in SMS. Happy Birthday

May ur special day...
Surrounded wid happiness,
Filled wid laughter,
Wrapped wid pleasure,
Brightened wid fun,
Blessed wid love,
Remembered wid joy,
...and enriched wid hopes.

I’m so blessed 2 have a friend like u
This comes with many
Loving thoughts & warm wishes
I send 2 u,
May Ur day be filled with laughter
On this Ur special day & may the finest things
In life always come
Ur way happy birthday!

A smile is a curve that
sets everything straight
and wipes wrinkle away
hope u share a lots and
receive a lots 4 days 2 come
happy birthday …….

It must have been a rainy day
when you were born,
but it wasn’t really rain,
the sky was crying because
it lost his most beautiful angel…
happy birthday dear friend

In soft gleaming night of stars,
May all your dreams come true.
May every star of every night,
Bring love and joy to you.
Happy Birthday to you.

May you have all the joy your heart can hold,
All the smiles a day can bring,
All the blessings a life can unfold,
May you have Gods best in everything.
Wishing u a Happy Birthday

D Day which bring U 2 us ,
Is special 4 our family
D moment U join with us
May good, if it be early,
We ready 2 welcome D day, after a short while,
We wish U happy & be always smile

u r so beautiful my love 4u will always b true,
here’s a wish 4 my darling…
may all your dreams come true
i wish u a very happy birthday.

with lots of love and kisses…
from a heart that beats…
just 4 you by me.
Lovely msg for a Lovely Person
from Lovely Friend
For a Lovely Reason
at a Lovely Time
from a Lovely Mind
in a Lovely Mood
in a Lovely Style
to wish you

Have a Lovely “Birthday”
Some people like Sunday,
Some people like Monday,
However i just like only one day,
Its your birthday?Happy Birthday!

You can spend
hundreds on birthdays,
thousands on festivals,
lakhs on weddings,
but to celebrate
all you have to spend is your TIME…

Life is very short,
So enjoy every moment,
Don’t lose your confidence
Go always ahead.
Happy Birthday


May ur birthday bring
each special thing
that u have waited 4
& everyday ahead holds
lots of happiness in store..
Wishes of happiness especially 4 u,
Not just on ur birthday bt all the year through
Happy Birthday

Roses always stand 4 thoughts
& so these come 2 say,
T hat my wishes r wid U,
today & everyday
Happy Birthday...

A birthday is a lovely flower that blooms in life's garden
& may that special blossom b bright especially today

I wish U simple pleasures in life. Evergreen happiness. A truly bright future. Most of all I wish a Birthday. Full of smiles and cheers.

Dreams give rise 2 hope. Hope inspires efforts, Efforts results in Success So dreams r roots of success. Let all ur dreams cum true this birthday..Happy Birthday

A prayer: 2 bless ur way
A wish : 2 lighten ur moments
A cheer: 2 perfect ur day
A text: 2 say HAPPY BIRTH DAY

Wishing u a day soft as silk…..
white as milk…..
sweet as honey & full of money.
may all ur dreams come true….

U r really very special, and deeply loved 4 what u do, So u r wished a Happy Birthday With lots of pleasure all 4 u.

My wishes 4 U on ur Birthday
Cake - 2 delight U
Baloons - 2 raise spirits higher
Gifts - 2 bring u tickling surprises
Candles - 2 brighten ur life with joy
All these R my wishes 4 U on ur BIRTHDAY

Its a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you;but it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets your birthday."HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Gifts are Packed in Silver Paper, Sweets are Sparkling in Shiny Wrappers. Delicious Cake is Waiting to be Cut, Sweet as Ever and Covered with Yummy Nuts. Happy Birthday to You.

Hope Every Lovely Hour of Your Very Special Day, Is Filled with Moments That Will Bring Much Happiness Your Way For your Birthday’s The Beginning of a Year That’s Fresh & New And Each Day Should Be Wonderful, for Someone, so Very nice Like You. HAPPY BIRTHDAY.